Directorate of Information Technologies -

Proxy Settings

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Proxy Settings

Attention to the members of Gelişim University!
In accordance with our license agreement with the electronic libraries and databases we use, these libraries and databases are only accessible from the IP numbers of İstanbul Gelişim University. If you want to connect databases from anywhere other than İstanbul Gelişim University campuses, these databases provide user authentication with username and password query. In the campus of İstanbul Gelişim University, the user's IP address is checked by this site when it is connected to the libraries and databases via internet browser.
When asked to access the databases determined by the Department of Library, User will be prompted for username and password. Your other internet processes will go through the internet line you are using.
Your username and password are the same as the information you use for Wifi in the University.

Internet Explorer

From the menu, enter Tools - Internet Options, in order. 
Then enter Connections tab
If you are connecting via a wireless network, an Ethernet-connected ADSL modem, or a local area network: Click the Local Network Settings button.
If you are using a USB connected ADSL, ADSL modem or 3G modem: Select the connection you are using in the Dial-up and virtual private network settings box and go to settings.
Check the Automatically detect settings box.
Check the Use automatic configuration script box and enter this address in the address box:
Click OK to exit.

Mozilla Firefox

From the menu, enter Tools - Options, in order.
Click Advanced and go to the Network tab.
Click the Settings button in the Connection section.
Select the Automatic proxy settings (URL) box and enter the following address in the address box:
Click OK to save the settings and exit.

Google Chrome

Click the Settings button in the address bar and click Options in the menu that appears.
Go to the Advanced Options tab and click Change proxy settings button.
If you are using a ADSL modem or 3G modem with a USB connection: Select the connection you are using in the Dial-up and virtual private network settings box and enter the settings.
Check the Automatically detect settings box
Check the Use automatic configuration script box and enter the address in the address box:
Click OK to exit.